Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 14. What in the world is a Wiki?

In the beginning of this activity I was a little confused about the difference between a Blog and a Wiki. Now I think I know the difference. A blog is like a personal diary, kept and fed by an individual and open, or not to other people's comments. And a Wiki is more like a website made and fed by it's collaborators, who can post, edit, comment, add topics, etc.

From the wikis I investigated, I noticed that there is a huge variety of styles and contents. Some are very organized, have a lot of information, some others are quite new, some others are kind of confusing because they don't seem very organized.

I definitely see myself having a wiki for my class. Sounds very exciting, and I would love to have my students collaborating on it, even though they are third graders, and some of them may not have computers at home. But we could find a way to let them collaborate during school hours.

I liked the Let's Go West! wiki made by third graders, I was very impressed by it's content, structure and graphic organizers. It is a great example of collaborative work.

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